Thursday, August 1, 2013

Arrival in Nafplion

A nice first day in Nafplion. After a quick nap in our hotel Aetoma (excellent old Venetian hotel) we ventured out to the harbor strand for some appetizers. Roasted Eggplant, stuffed peppers with Feta and garlic mushrooms. Top that with a local Greek beer, the first I've had in four months and life is good.

The city of Nafplion is the first Greek capital of modern Greece and was first established as an outpost of the Venetians. They have 3 forts guarding the city, one in the harbor on an island and two imposing cliff top forts. Palamidi, the larger of the two is on our agenda this morning. Then we are off to see the Myacene city of Ancient Greece 1500BC. These are the victors of the war of Troy.

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