Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Puzz 3D updates- Empire State Building, Santorin, and White House

Here are a few new 3D puzzles I finished.

The most recent I finished today, August 20th upon return from our vacation  in Greece.  This is a representation of Santorini, Greece.  I've got a picture of Betsy with the town of Oia in the foreground.

I also finished the capital recently.

The Capital  which we visited June this year 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sunset video Santorini

Here is the highlight of Santorini, the daily sunset.

Day 6- exploring the beach in Santorini

Today we rented a car an drove to the south east side of Santorini to the beach. The beach resort we picked was called Seaside and has umbrellas, drink and food service and is situated on the blacks and created by the volcano.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 5- Santorini

Day 5 started with a morning hike. 

The most difficult dash is hiking on Skaros rock. Yes, this is the giant rock situated in Imerovigli. 

You have to go down the path that will lead you to the rock's base where you will start ascending. When you reach the top you will follow the descending path leading to the back of the rock and you will stop when you find the white church that is a bit higher than the middle of the rock. 

After the hike we returned to have breakfast served to us on our patio which overlooks the hike we just completed. 

Next on the agenda we are getting massages, then out to the pool and maybe a nap. 

Day 4 Santorini

Just arrived at the Astra Suites.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 3 Athens

Today we decided the best way to see all the sites with our limited time was to hire a driver. We researched trio advisor and selected George's Taxi. Our driver was more knowledgable about Greek history then my High School history teacher. He laid out our day to make the most off all the sites.

We started at the Acropolis early before the crowns and heat then the ancient cemetery.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 2- Nafplio and Athens

Day 2- Nafplio and Athens. 
Today we visited the Palamidi Castle with it's 999 steps from the town of Nafplio. It's is an amazing view from the top with the beautiful blue sea below. From the top I could see the 3 miles I jogged earlier that morning, through the town and around to the beach resort where at 7:00 am, older Greeks were already getting an early morning swim. 

Palamidi Fortress
The castle or fort has several bastions which you can walk between. It is very well preserved however, the stone walkways are very slippery from steady wear over the years. Inside the walls is a small church. Betsy and I took a look and were given candles to light and leave. I said a little prayer for our kids. 

After we descended back down the fortress steps to rubbery legs at the bottom we packed up our room at the Aetoma hotel and receive a bag of fruits from our hostess. Our hotel in Napfilio was an old Venetian home with 6 rooms, well decorated.   Breakfast was included and was complete with eggs, bacon, Greek yogurt with honey, and a wide assortment of breads. 

When we left town, our next stop was the ancient city of Mycenae. The Mycenae were the earliest Greek civilization dating back to 1500-1600 BC. The highlights of the site included the Lions Gate, the city walls, Cistern and the bee hive shaped Treasury, the largest dome of the ancient world at the time. 

The Mycenae were victors in the war of Troy and are mentioned in Homers Odyssey and folklore of The wooden horse. 

Athens and Plaka
We arrived at our hotel The Plaka Hotel. After a quick drop off of the renal car back at the airport we drove 45 min to the base of the Acropolis in the old town Plaka area. We had a much needed early dinner that included Greek appetizers, Lamb, wine and desert. Then we roamed around the grounds below the Acropolis and saw the Tower of Winds, the Roman and Greek Agora and took lots of pictures. The Plaka is loaded with shops and restaurants and has a swap market feel. After a few hours walking we ended the day watching the sunset view from the hotel roof top bar and enjoyed a drink as the light of the Acropolis came to life.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Arrival in Nafplion

A nice first day in Nafplion. After a quick nap in our hotel Aetoma (excellent old Venetian hotel) we ventured out to the harbor strand for some appetizers. Roasted Eggplant, stuffed peppers with Feta and garlic mushrooms. Top that with a local Greek beer, the first I've had in four months and life is good.

The city of Nafplion is the first Greek capital of modern Greece and was first established as an outpost of the Venetians. They have 3 forts guarding the city, one in the harbor on an island and two imposing cliff top forts. Palamidi, the larger of the two is on our agenda this morning. Then we are off to see the Myacene city of Ancient Greece 1500BC. These are the victors of the war of Troy.