Tuesday, May 14, 2013

30 Days of Cross-Fit and Paleo Diet

Today is day 30 of my Cross-Fit/Paleo Diet program.  For those who don't know what Paleo eating is, it's also called the "Cave Man Diet".  You can eat vegetables, fruit, meat, nuts and excludes wheat products, soy products, dairy and sugar.  It also excludes any packaged foods which are manufactured.  If you can't find it in nature (hunt it or gather it), it's probably questionable.  Alcohol is also off limits, that can be a bummer....

The Whole 30 program is designed to cleanse your system of all the harmful stuff we eat.  I'm not cutting everything forever, but I did devote 30 days to it and we'll see how much more after today.  I will probably take a 90/10 approach to this going forward.  The results are pretty good.  This is my weight loss tracker from MyFitnessPal.com

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

I've combined the introduction of  Cross-Fit  (Cross Fit Forest) to my exercise program which has helped.  I've never done cross fit before so this has been a big difference from my typical gym workouts.  I walk out of each class dripping sweat and challenged.  I combine Cross-fit with alternate days of weight training and about 1-2 4 mile jogs a week. 

This is only the first month but I feel better on the Paleo diet and have energy to get me through the workouts.  I hope to see additional progress on June 15th.  Lets see.