Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 Olympia Weekend: Highlight Reel

2011 Olympia Weekend: Highlight Reel

You know as the new year begins, so do those New Years resolutions. Well this years is probably similar to everyone else, lose some weight, exercise more, eat better. For inspiration, I found the above link summarizing the dedication of the Mr. and Mrs Olymipa contestants. I always am impressed by the dedication of these competitors. I've been to only one Mr. Olympia competiton but really enjoyed the show and the pre-contest convention.

I started my diet weighing in at 225, an all time high for me. After about a week, I've already dropped 6 lbs on to my goal of 185. That's a total of 40 lbs but I think I can do it if I eat well, quite drinking beer and exercise daily.

For those of you who are also dieting, I found a pretty neat web site that allows you to track you daily diet and exercise progress. It's called MyFitnessPal.com, they also have a pretty cool mobil app for your iPhone that allows you to enter your meals and see if you are staying within you calorie range. It's also good for checking food selections before you order.

Good luck with your own resolutions!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools