Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mountain Bike Riding in Whiting Ranch

I live on the edge of the Cleveland National forest in South Orange County.  It's not much of a forest but it does have extensive mountain bike trails running throughout the hills of my neighborhood.  I'm fairly new to mountain biking, but I enjoy it over other forms of cardio exercise.

Last July, 2010, I purchased my real mountain bike (not the Huffy version but a real mountain grade bike).  Now I've been riding a bike since I was a kid and I like to think I have normal balance and basic bike riding skills, however, now that I am in my 40's now I know that my mind and body don't always agree on our collective capabilities.  Although I was pretty good at making bike ramps and jumping the neighborhood kids when I was 11, I have lost a little of my Evil Kenevil edge, case in point.

My first outing with the new bike was with some of my friends in the neighborhood, who have been riding for a while.  I was confident I could keep up and go to all the places they were taking me, after all I've been riding a bike since I was 5.  Well, my first outing resulted in a classic over then handle bar, pile drive, right on my shoulder.  That's right, day one on the mountain. 

Apparently, the speed of a downhill rider, going too fast, and who apply's too much brake to the front wheel without properly shifting his weight to the back of the bike, results in a gravitational pull over the handlebars.  If said rider also stays clipped to his pedals by his new fancy biking shoes he then goes over the hadlebars and the bike stays attached. 

I had a 5th degree shoulder separation that apparently was not treatable with ice and/or Ben Gay.  After surgery, physical therapy and lot of weight lifting with 5lb pink dumb bells, I am back on the bike!

This is my repared sholder, a small pin and pully system holds it back together!  Does this picture make me look too thin?
I've been slowly getting back into the bike riding and gradually going further with each outing.  I have not fallen again but. I fully expect I will.  I just hope it doesn't hurt as much as last time.

I wanted to share a video I took while mountain biking this week which really explains why I enjoy it.  While riding I encountered a family of deer.  To most people, this isn't a big deal but in south OC, urban development has nearly made the site of a deer, non-existent. 

I can ride my bike less then a mile and I feel about as far from the urban city as you can.  In addtion to deer, I've see the usual rabbits and squirels (who no doubt enjoy playing chicken with the bike riders) but also coyote and once a mountain lion (not all animals are a welcom site).  I made this video especially corny and it's ok if you get teary eyed at the site of a deer or my poor iphone photography skills.

Here is the link to the video..