Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Plugged up

So we've been having some issues with the toilets in my house, they constantly get plugged. This is an annoyance for all in the family but it is pretty embarrassing for our guests. After evaluating the situation, the problem stems from new tile which after installed raised the height of the throne beyond the required distance needed for it to be properly attached to the flange.

So,in addition to fixing the problem, I also decided to purchase three new thrones that are low flow and give this important room an updated look.

I noticed that after the Plummer left, one of the installed toilets has prevented the door from being closed. I'm not sure why the Plummer didn't dry fit this first to make sure the door would close. Maybe he thought we are one of those families who have an open door policy when we do our business, but I can assure you that we are not. I can also assure you that the situation is not acceptable to my son and daughter who share this particular bathroom. They don't even like to share the bathroom as it is but open doors, that just won't fly.

The toilet situation will be resolved by weeks end. It just goes to show that my projects never seem to go as planned.